
Chuck Norris peut télécharger une pizza.

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Messages - necron99

I will settle for just the more popular brand of hot-dogs in France... over here we have Oscar Meyer but they taste different.

I am glad to help, you help the community alot with this site.

Hey I have a totally off the subject question, that maybe someone here can answer. When I was in Paris a few years ago, I had a really delicious hot dog on the Champs-Elysees.  I finally found the heated metal spike to warm the baguette here in the USA. However our hot-dogs taste different. Does anyone know what brand of hot-dogs are used the most on the Champs-Elysees? Or at least what brand of hot-dogs is most popular in France? I want to order some and have them shipped to me :)

Thank you very much :)  My Kanji reading is pretty bad, but I will have a friend help translate it. If you ever get the english version working please put it back up.

Well that explains why it hasn't been working.

Thanks again.
I don't mind downloading  or having it shown as a webpage and saving it. It just never gets the complete file, so currently adobe fails either way.  I would really like to read it because I am about to order a Vewlix, and want to be sure what I am getting into. I only have older Q25 cabs right now.

Thank you for working on this with me. Hell if we can't make it work, could you email it to me?  :D

Thank you very much for the quick fix. I was able to download the 52mb Vewlix Jamma file. Unfortunately I still cannot download the Vewlix part 1.pdf file.  :'(

It seems that now instead of sending the file as a download, the system has the file opened in adobe inside the webpage. It takes a few minutes and then fails. As if it downloaded almost to the end of the file and then fails.

Either way you provide a great service to arcade enthusiasts, so I sent a donation :)


Je suis désolé, mais je ne parle pas français.  I love your site and have used the manuals for some of my Capcom PCBs. I was trying to download the manual for the Taito Vewlix cabinet titled, Vewlix part 1.pdf. The file is listed at 76mb, but always fails at 27mb. The Vewlix Jamma kit.pdf is listed at 52mb and fails at 27mb as well. Am I doing something wrong?
