
Maitre Yoda a perdu la vie le jour où il a appelé Chuck Norris "Norris Chuck".

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pi to naomi

Démarré par agent orange, Juin 19, 2017, 03:05 PM

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agent orange

Et si on faisait ça :

Plus simple, pas cher et super cool  ^-
Sam was lyin' in the jungle
Agent orange spread against the sky like marmalade
Hendrix played on some foreign jukebox
They were praying to be saved
Il est où le 12V ?
Agent Orange : c'est quelle touche pour le "Enter Initials"
Bubble : c'est la touche ESC


plus simple...

Click 'show more' to see the full description which goes into a lot of detail of what you'll need and how to configure the Raspberry Pi 3 to get a 1:1 pixel-accurate result.

This is just a quick video showing the quality I'm getting on my Nanao MS9 on a New Astro City by outputting 240p video directly from the Raspberry Pi 3.

From there I push it through a cheap $10 HDMI to VGA converter and then straight into a J-Pac.
With the right custom viewport settings in RetroArch, you can get a result that looks identical to the original arcade boards.

The only devices used in this setup is:
* The arcade cabinet itself, in my case a Sega New Astro City
* Raspberry Pi 3
* HDMI to VGA converter.
You can get them from eBay, when you search for one, find one that explicitly states it supports the Raspberry Pi 2/3 as not all of them do even though they look identical on the outside!
* J-Pac, more info available at - this board has a Jamma edge connector for your arcade machine. It converts arcade button presses/joysticks directions into USB keyboard button presses, and will also take a 240p VGA input signal and map it correctly so it works on a standard arcade cabinet.
* Audio amplifier able to drive at least 8ohm speakers as required by the JAMMA standard as the J-Pac only provides screw terminals for amplified audio, but has no amplifier itself.
* You obviously also need all the extras to power the devices and may need additional wiring for buttons, audio etc.

To clarify, I am NOT using the GBS-8100 or any other video conversion board to get these results. The Pi 2/3 can output true 240p video on its own and that signal is usable as-is by a J-Pac which can then be connected directly to your cabinet using standard JAMMA wiring.
I originally thought the GBS-8100 was needed as everyone else seems to use it, but the result was a blurry 480i image with washed out colors, it really looked terrible and I would not recommend even trying it, just set up your Pi to output to 240p and use that signal instead. You can get my example config files for the Raspberry Pi from:
The one you're probably interested in is the custom resolution config file, where you can modify the following line to set up your output resolution - it does look like you're limited to 240p @ 60fps, but the horizontal resolution can be anything you want up to 1920x240: hdmi_cvt=768 240 60 1 0 0 0 In terms of the software, this video used the RetroPie image, but since then I've discovered Lakka and would recommend using that instead: It is a dedicated RetroArch software image.

The good thing about RetroArch is that you can set it to use the rGUI menu driver, which is a low-resolution 4:3 menu that works well on arcade monitors, stretching to match any weird resolutions you throw at it, like 1920x240.
Once in RetroArch, you can configure a custom viewport, allowing it to leave black borders to render at any actual resolution. At that point, you can make it render at true native resolutions. You just have to make sure that the viewport you set up allows pixels to be mapped cleanly.
For example, for CPS 1/2/3 games, you need some multiple of 384 pixels horizontally, so you could use 384 or 768 or 1152 or 1536 etc. For the vertical viewport size, set it to 224.
For NeoGeo, you would set the horizontal viewport size to a multiple of 320, and again, use 224 as the vertical viewport size.
This way it maps the pixels 1:1. Honestly, I can't tell the difference between the real board and the emulation. In theory the frame rate will be slightly different as the real board runs at 59.583 hz, whereas the Pi output or the signal the J-Pac seems to want is a 60 hz signal from what I can tell. You don't notice a difference in practice though and is a very nice setup overall. Hot tip: If you configure your Pi output resolution to 1920x240 and set your viewport size to 1920x224, it maps pixels perfectly for both the NeoGeo and the CPS 1/2/3 boards under a single configuration.
I've also prepared a special little package containing all of my notes with lots of awesome tips and tricks, like connecting to a wifi network, configuring a 6 button arcade layout in RetroArch, and starting a game automatically on boot. This also contains my Lakka Playlist Generator (requires a Java JRE to run) along with the source code should you wish to modify it: I hope this video and information was useful to people, if so, leave a comment and please like the video so others can also find it.

Bon après on peux lister commander 1, 2 ou  3 exemplaires et tester
perso si ca marche moi je suis preneur ^-


* The arcade cabinet itself, in my case a Sega New Astro City

* Raspberry Pi 3
a partir de 45 euros sur Ali
* HDMI to VGA converter. You can get them from eBay, when you search for one, find one that explicitly states it supports the Raspberry Pi 2/3 as not all of them do even though they look identical on the outside!
sur ebaY ?
* J-Pac, more info available at - this board has a Jamma edge connector for your arcade machine. It converts arcade button presses/joysticks directions into USB keyboard button presses, and will also take a 240p VGA input signal and map it correctly so it works on a standard arcade cabinet.
59 $
* Audio amplifier able to drive at least 8ohm speakers as required by the JAMMA standard as the J-Pac only provides screw terminals for amplified audio, but has no amplifier itself.
ampli 10 euros sur Ali ici
* You obviously also need all the extras to power the devices and may need additional wiring for buttons, audio etc.
Envoyé de mon Minitel

Les jeux de moto c'est nul ! Y'a pas de volant ...

Les bornes japonaises c'est comme les vaisseaux de la prélogie Star Wars,
c'est beau, lisse et parfaitement fonctionnel;
Alors que les bornes old school c'est un peu comme le Faucon Millenium qui passe jamais en vitesse lumière,
c'est chiant mais c'est tellement plus attachant ...


ah punaise, fab je t'ai pas montré la discussion que j'ai eu avec le gars de consolex.

faut que je la retranscrive ici ou que je te transfères les messages...
You TOKI to me ???

Un geek ne s'ennuie pas, il se fichier...


Je passe mon tour ;D
On ne plaisante pas avec les vieux de la vieille. L'âge et la ruse arriveront  toujours à triompher de la jeunesse et de la force...!!
                                         L 'astuce et l'esprit viennent seulement avec l'âge et l'expérience....


Pourquoi prendre le RasPi sur Ali ?

Boutique officielle Raspberry en France >>
Raspberry sur Amazon avec Prime >>

Et une vieille paire d'enceinte en guise d'ampli audio, c'est un hack simple, et ça évite Ali aussi :D

Pas que j'aime pas Ali, mais ça peut être long chez eux les envois (et encore, c'est pas dx ;) )
mon joystick est pas mou ! :stupidking:

Et si un jour j'ai pas la flême, je récupère tout les qcow et les confs de libvirt, et je remonte un proxmox


Je viens d'en commander 2 chez Ali pour 39,11€ pièce fdp inclus (avec alim et radiateur)
Bon il ne faut pas être trop pressé, encore que pour certains articles ils ont des stocks en Europe

De toute façon en attendant que la commande arrive il y a plein de choses à faire , la sieste par exemple =:)) [size=78%] [/size]
On ne plaisante pas avec les vieux de la vieille. L'âge et la ruse arriveront  toujours à triompher de la jeunesse et de la force...!!
                                         L 'astuce et l'esprit viennent seulement avec l'âge et l'expérience....


Envoyé de mon Minitel

Les jeux de moto c'est nul ! Y'a pas de volant ...

Les bornes japonaises c'est comme les vaisseaux de la prélogie Star Wars,
c'est beau, lisse et parfaitement fonctionnel;
Alors que les bornes old school c'est un peu comme le Faucon Millenium qui passe jamais en vitesse lumière,
c'est chiant mais c'est tellement plus attachant ...